JAX NEMT is a trusted provider of NEMT stretcher transportation in Jacksonville FL

NEMT stretcher transportation is a service that provides transportation for patients who are unable to ambulate on their own. This type of transportation is often used for patients who have been discharged from the hospital, are going to or from doctor’s appointments, or need to be transported to a rehabilitation facility.

NEMT stretcher transportation can be provided by a variety of companies, including ambulance services, non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) companies, and private transportation companies. When choosing a NEMT stretcher transportation company, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The company’s experience and reputation
  • The type of vehicles that the company uses
  • The company’s insurance coverage
  • The company’s pricing

Gurney transportation

Gurney transportation is a type of NEMT stretcher transportation that uses a gurney instead of a stretcher. Gurneys are smaller and lighter than stretchers, which makes them easier to transport in smaller vehicles. Gurney transportation is often used for patients who are able to sit up but are unable to walk.

NEMT stretcher transportation vs. ambulance service

NEMT stretcher transportation and ambulance service are both types of transportation that can be used for patients who are unable to ambulate on their own. However, there are some key differences between the two services.

NEMT stretcher transportation is typically less expensive than ambulance service. NEMT stretcher transportation companies also typically have more flexible scheduling than ambulance services.

Ambulance service is typically used for patients who are in a more critical condition than patients who use NEMT stretcher transportation. Ambulances are also equipped with medical equipment that NEMT stretcher vans are not.

JAX NEMT is a trusted provider of NEMT stretcher transportation in Jacksonville FL. We offer a variety of services to meet your needs, including hospital discharge, doctor’s appointments, dialysis, and more. Our experienced drivers are dedicated to providing safe and reliable transportation for our clients.

If you or a loved one needs NEMT stretcher transportation, please contact JAX NEMT today. We are here to help you get where you need to go safely and comfortably.

In addition to the above, here are some additional information about NEMT stretcher transportation:

  • NEMT stretcher transportation is covered by most insurance plans.
  • NEMT stretcher transportation can be scheduled in advance or on-demand.
  • NEMT stretcher transportation is available 24 hours a day, 6 days a week.


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