Safe Rides to Medical Appointments: Why NEMT Beats Uber/Lyft for Medicaid & Insurance Patients

Medicaid, Insurance, and Your Ride to Safe Medical Care Getting to crucial medical appointments can be a significant hurdle, particularly if you lack reliable transportation. While ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft offer some convenience, they might not be the safest or most suitable option for everyone, especially those relying on Medicaid or insurance. This

A Step-by-Step Guide: Getting Reimbursement for NEMT Rides from Your Insurance Company

Step 1: Review Your Insurance Policy Take the time to carefully read your insurance policy or contact your insurance provider to understand the coverage and benefits related to NEMT rides. Familiarize yourself with any specific requirements, limitations, and reimbursement procedures. Step 2: Confirm Eligibility Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for NEMT reimbursement according